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2011年6月19日 星期日

3 Muscle Building Nutrition Tips For Hard Gainers

Proper muscle building nutrition is responsible for about 50% of your muscle gains, 30% of your gains come from recovery, 10% from your workouts and 10% from supplements. Which means proper muscle building nutrition is essential if you want to see any of kind muscle gains fast.

Don't be alarmed. Good muscle building nutrition isn't that hard to follow. Just make sure you know these nutrition basics, and you'll build muscle fast and add inches to your frame in no time.

Muscle Building Nutrition Tip #1: Meal Timing for Building Muscle

It's important to never, ever let your body get hungry. Why? When your body is hungry, your metabolism slows down and it stops burning fat for fuel. Instead, it breaks down your own muscle for extra energy. Not good for a muscle builder! Make sure you're eating every 3-4 hours and 5 or 6 smaller meals a day.

Muscle Building Nutrition Tip # 2: The Important Food and Nutrient Groups

* Protein

A brick layer can't build without bricks. Your body can't build muscle without protein. It's the stuff muscle is made of. If you weight train without consuming enough protein, your muscles will actually shrink in size!

Depending on the amount of muscle and how fast you want to build that muscle, you should consume AT LEAST 0.8-1.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight a day. So a 150 pound person should eat 120-150 grams a day. The more aggressive your muscle building goals, the higher this number will be.

Foods high in high quality protein include...

- Grilled Chicken and Turkey

- Egg Whites

- Tuna and other fish

- Milk and other low-fat dairy products

- Lean Beef


Carbs are the main source of energy for your muscles. So if you're not consuming enough carbs, you're going to feel sluggish and not lift very well.

Foods high in good carbs include...

- Oatmeal and non-sugary cereals

- Whole-grain breads

- Brown Rice

- Beans

- Potatoes

*Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables supply your body with minerals and nutrients not found in other foods. Some of these nutrients include potassium, zinc, iron, vitamins, and fiber. Every nutrient supplied in these foods help your body function as it should. If you're not getting enough essential nutrients, you'll only slow down your body's ability to build muscle.

High nutrient fruits include...

- Apples

- Berries

- Watermelon

- Kiwi

- Oranges


- Spinach

- Beets

- Tomatoes

- Carrots

- Peppers


Good fats are important so your body functions properly. Try to eat more mono- and polyunsaturated fats and less saturated and trans fats. Good sources include...

- Olive oil

- Nuts and nut butters

- Fatty fish like salmon


Pure water has no calories, nutrients, or protein. But it's the most important "food" in your muscle building pantry. Water makes up 70% of your body. It lubricates joints and transports nutrients through your body. Without water, every other food and nutrient is useless. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day, more when you do cardiovascular exercise.

Muscle Building Nutrition Tip # 3:

Easy to follow nutrition habits you as a muscle builder should be doing

- Prepare food in advance and always have something on hand. You never know when you might have to bolt out the door for an unexpected event. If you know you have an appointment or meeting to be to, prepare food in advance so you can eat it as soon as you get home or whenever you have time.

- Take food with you wherever you go. You can't always be sure if food will be available. Remember, you don't want to miss a meal. It counter acts you weight lifting efforts.

- Eat food before you go somewhere. Then you won't have to eat on the run (even though you do have a back-up meal packed just in case!).

- Buy more food than you think you need. It can save money and it means you'll never run out of nutritious food when you're in a pinch.

- Eat a variety of foods. If you eat the same foods every day, you're missing out on some vital nutrients.

- Try to eat a calorie ratio of 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat. So a person eating 2000 calories a day should eat about 800 calories from protein, 800 calories from carbs, and 400 calories from fat.

Richard Knight is a former "skinny guy" / hardgainer who cracked the code to building muscle fast. Richard teaches other "Average Joes", skinny guys and hardgainers step by step how to build more muscle with less effort in 28 days FLAT with his own weight gain system. Get his FREE Video Course System today...

2011年6月18日 星期六

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Extreme Kettlebell Workout Starring Steve Cotter, 4 Volumes on 4 DVD's Containing 15 Workouts and over 100 TechniquesThis 4-DVD set includes over 100 techniques and 10 amazing follow-along workouts ranging from muscle building to core and abs to hard core cardio. Vol. 1: Upper Body, Vol. 2 Lower Body, Vol. 3 Abs/Core, and Vol. 4 Cardio/Circuit. Steve Cotter. 2007, 222 min.

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Quickly Build Muscles - Top 3 Muscle Building Tips

Building hard, lean muscles isn't as hard as you think. It's actually quite simple. Especially if you follow the simple 3 muscle building tips I'm going to share with you. So, if you're serious about learning how to quickly build muscles, continue to read on.

The top 3 muscle building tips are:

1. Training. This is the most obvious of the muscle building tips. When working out, be sure to include compound lifts into your plan. These lifts include bench press, squats, deadlifts, and standing barbell curls. Compound lifts are the best mass building exercises.

Also, be sure to change your workout every month. Don't do the same sets, reps, and exercises every workout. By changing your workout frequently, you'll force your body to grow rapidly. This is how you'll be able to quickly build muscles.

Another great tip is if you're always lifting low reps, let's say 3 to 6 reps for every lift, during one month when you change your workout, increase your reps to 10 to 20 reps. This will cause your muscles to adapt to the stress. You'll be amazed at how fast your muscles grow.

When you design your workouts to quickly build muscles, make sure you don't work the same body part in two consecutive workouts. What I mean is, don't bench press on Monday and then do it again on Tuesday.

A great example of a workout would be Monday- chest and triceps, Tuesday- Legs, Calves, Abs, Wednesday- off day, Thursday- shoulders and abs, Friday- back and biceps, Saturday- off, and Sunday- off.

2. Nutrition. This is the most overlooked muscle building tip. In order for you to quickly build muscles, you have to eat alot of protein and carbs. Also, eat frequently. You should try to eat every 2 hours. Make sure you eat at least 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight and at least 2 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight.

An example would be if you weigh 190 pounds, your protein intake would be 285 grams per day and your carb intake would be 380 grams a day. You should also drink plenty of water throughout the day as well.

Some great muscle building foods include meats (chicken, beef, fish), eggs (have been shown to really help add muscles), yogurts, cottage cheese, wheat pastas and breads, apples and bananas, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and yams just to name a few.

3. Track your results. After every workout, write down what exercise you performed, the sets and reps for each one. The next time you enter the gym for that same workout, try to lift more weights than you were able to do previously.

Let's say you benched 225 pounds for 4 sets of 8. The next time you bench press, you should try to do 230 pounds for 4 sets of 8. This will ensure that you're always getting stronger, which will help you quickly build muscles.

Make sure you get plenty of rest. Have fun. And use these 3 muscle building tips to quickly build muscles the easy way.

For more powerful tips on building muscles quickly, visit now.

2011年6月17日 星期五

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2011年6月16日 星期四

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2011年6月15日 星期三

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