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2011年5月28日 星期六

Know What No Nonsense Muscle Building is Before Paying the Money

No Nonsense Muscle Building is a step-by-step online program that reveals all the truths about gaining big and solid muscle to every single hard-gainer. Those truths have been hidden by body building magazines, supplement advertisements, and even your personal trainer for a long time.

After knowing the dumbest things you have to avoid and the right things to do, you are going to realize that it is really possible to build lean muscle mass in weeks, without dangerous steroids and expensive supplements.

About The Author

Vince DelMonte is an average guy like you and me. His method has transformed him from a skinny, scrawny, weak boy to a Canadian Fitness Model Championships in Windsor, Ontario, in 2005.

He also gained the Top 3 at the World Fitness Model Championships in Toronto, Ontario, in 2009. He is now a regular contributor to Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness and Men's Health Magazines.

The Benefits You Are Going To Gain

* Discover the most powerful ingredient to muscle building, which is far more important than doing sets and reps, having supplements, and even taking steroids. This is the little-known secret that you should never neglect.

* Realize the 9 anabolic secrets for muscle gain. They are the fundamental rules of human muscle building. You need to know them even before you gain 1 pound of muscle. If you can execute them consistently, your muscle will grow faster than other bodybuilders around you.

* Learn the 29-week training routines that people pay tons of cash to Vince DelMonte to teach them. You will be given detailed instructions, like how many sets to do, how much weight, and more. You will also uncover the mistakes that 98% of other hard-gainers do so that you can avoid them and make twice the gains in half the time.

* Know the diet plan which reveals you exactly what to eat, how to eat, and how much to eat so that you can gain 10 pounds in just 2 weeks. You will understand which foods could naturally build the hard muscle but not the fat.

* Understand how to maximize the fat burning hormones inside your body to build muscle fast. Those hormones are normally injected by professional bodybuilders and athletes into their body, and you will know the natural way to do the same thing. You will discover how to control the destructive hormone as well. If you fail to do so, you will waste all of your time and effort spent on workout.

* Uncover the truths about supplements. Should you still believe the advertisements from the supplement companies? Vince DelMonte will make you want to throw away the supplements you are having right now. You will realize the goal of those companies, to help you gain muscle or solely earn money from you.

The Material You Actually Receive

You are offered 1 eBook and 12 valuable bonuses.

* No Nonsense Muscle Building eBook: A comprehensive 201-paged manual that teaches you how to naturally gain weight and build muscle mass in the shortest time.

* Bonus #1 - The Beginner-Intermediate 29 Week Step-By-Step Intensive Workout Program: This is an exclusive website that tells you, as a beginner or intermediate, exactly how to do workouts. It consists of 3D images, easy-to-understand instructions, tips and advice you have to know, a built-in calendar, and a private forum for you to ask questions. It tells you everything about workout and you have no guesswork.

* Bonus #2 - The Advanced 29 Week Step-By-Step Max Power Workout Program: A website especially for advanced bodybuilders. You will need this if you have years of experience in muscle building and you want to get into a higher level. Again there is a forum for you to chat with other members and trainers.

* Bonus #3 - Upside Down Training Program: With this kick start program, you will realize how to avoid potential injuries and build a strong foundation to quickly increase your muscle growth. You will pay attention to poor posture, weak core muscles, underdeveloped body parts, minimal flexibility, previous injuries, shoulder instability, and more.

* Bonus #4 - Empowered Nutrition 84 Day HEALTHY Meal Plans: The weekly grocery lists and meal preparation strategies will show you what to eat, how to cook, and how much to eat so that you can easily build 5 to 10 lbs muscle weight in 4 weeks.

* Bonus #5 - The Insane Virtual Exercise Demonstrator: Over 100 animations showing you how to safely and properly execute an intensive 52-week exercise plan that you can do at home, at school or at gym.

* Bonus #6 - The Metabolic Growth Calculator: The tool that helps you to calculate your resting metabolic rate, caloric cost of activity, thermic effect of food and adaptive thermogenesis. Just enter your details and it will do the rest for you.

* Bonus #7 - The Supplement Watch Files: This scientifically-proven list contains more than 500 different supplements and tells you which are the BAD and the GOOD. You will know where you should spend the money on.

* Bonus #8 - The Exclusive Unforgivable Sins: An audio report that tells you the mistakes you want to avoid when you are doing workout, so that you will increase effectiveness and decrease chance of suffering from injury.

* Bonus #9 - Your Instant 24/7 Fitness Coach: A FAQs, containing the most common questions Vince DelMonte being asked, for you to get the answer instantly. If you can't find what you need, simply email Vince DelMonte.

* Bonus #10 - Unlimited E-Book Updates: You will keep up-to-date with everything about muscle building.

* Bonus #11 - No Nonsense Muscle Building DVD: A 4-hour DVD that Vince DelMonte personally shows you how he executes all the workouts. Just follow what he does and you will achieve your goal soon.

* Bonus #12 - No-Nonsense Private Member Zone: You are offered a lifetime membership to the online forum, where you can get answers, share experience with other members, motivate the beginners and learn additional knowledge as well.

The Only Downside

For some beginners, this program may contain too much information on muscle building. However it would be good to know more than less.


I strongly recommend No Nonsense Muscle Building to you. No matter you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced bodybuilder, it is a program you can easily follow to building muscle fast and naturally.

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