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2011年4月7日 星期四

Muscle building - that is - this value for you?

It seems that steroids are everywhere wherever you turn your head these days. On the news, more sporting circles, in secondary schools, in the street, in drug rings foreign and on and on. It's amazing that people think that they know and don't know really not on muscle building. While most people are probably getting sick of it, I am pleased that what is happening. I have as a bodybuilder think it is time that become "dinner table" talk the perceptions of the people because there really need to be modified for this sport that I love to be a business legitimate. Muscle building is a very complex activity and often victims of violence. In my view, there are good and bad reasons to do so. Human strength and muscular body are amazing and beautiful things, in my opinion, but only if it takes a hard work to do and that if she is healthy.

Pushing the limits of human performance in athletics is awesome and a great motivating factor for people to stay in good health and proper, but the problem is that these have ceased to be the driving forces in the "business" of sports. The problem is that has become a business and whenever money becomes the dark side motivation starts creeping. It's amazing what will people to power if the prestige, wealth, or popularity, visibility or or whatever. Everything what is happening is that people are injured and sport is denigrated, and eventually lose respect and all of the above things that people want when they are involved. I mean come on, it may be the pleasure of being better than everyone else, when this means that you must resort to cheating to do?

The best things in life are not things that are not easy? And since there the risk of death becoming is worth to people in exchange for a few fleeting moments of "respect" that you give? I want to be the first to tell you that all those who spend a lot of time building the muscles are unsuccessful. Why spend a lot of time building muscles? Well one thing, it is a healthy thing to do when it's properly. It protects you against all kinds of injuries and pain. It keeps fit you as the muscle is one of the best metabolizers in your body. It makes your bones strong, it protects your joints, it gives you the right balance and control of your body, it allows you to do the activities you love for longer.

It also has positive effects on your mental health. It gives you a feeling of accomplishment, it elevates your mood, makes you more confident, gives you the same kind of high a runner gets by releasing natural endorphins, etc. So by all means enter in sports and obtain the fort, but to do so for good reasons and in the means of rights or you will end exactly where you want to be an object of contempt and ridiculous and on your back in a hospital bed.

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